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Balanced Objects

About Us

Virtual Schooling in a 3D World

Forthal is dedicated to mimicking the campus experience in the metaverse for students and schools. We want you to interact with your lecturers and peers from remote locations across the globe. We want to push your boundaries in our virtual campus by unleashing your abundant creativity.

Get in Touch



Renatus Yeo
Business Lead

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  • NP 3rd Year Student, Banking & Finance

  • Sub-committee of Singapore Youth FinTech Chapter

  • 1st Runner Up of PolyFinTech100 API Hackathon 2020 (InsureTech)

  • FinTech Intern at LatitudePay Singapore


Emer Lee
Marketing Lead

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  • NP 3rd Year Student, Product Design & Innovation

  • DOT club (school design club) Vice-President

  • Finalist for Omni-Remotes Design Competition (school-based)

  • UI/UX Design Intern at Islander

  • Graphic Designer at Conceptsmith & Spiderum

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Xavier Cho
Tech Lead

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  • TP 3rd Year Student, Information Technology

  • 1st place winner of TP-Huawei AIoT Competition

  • Technical Intern at Silicon Valley Ai startup (


Zheng Junwei
Product Lead

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  • NP 3rd Year Student, Electronic & Computer Engineering

  • Events Head for NPFP committee 2020

  • PolyFinTech100 API Hackathon 2021 Second Runner up for Open Micro Finance

  • Software Developer Intern at Agile Technica

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